Allegations of taking more money by lengthening the route on Pathao

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Chitwan. Pathao has been criticized on social media for charging high fees to customers using long routes instead of regular ones. Pathao has been criticized after some users made it public on social media that Pathao had taken more fare even on the route they used to walk regularly.

Pathaole has been charging according to the distance traveled. Users have accused Pathao of charging more by keeping the long route even though it is a short distance option.

‘Pathao seems to have started practicing monopoly as planned. Saroj KC tweeted on September 18 about the experience he had while using Pathao.

Replying to his tweet, Pathao Nepal wrote, "We use the Google Map interface to avoid traffic jams and other external factors." But you can take a shorter route by telling the rider. Because the fare of the shipment system is according to the distance traveled.

Similarly, Kedar Sharma, in his tweet, referred to Pathao and satirized, "Isn't the route from Ghattekulo to Bagdarbar short?" Without going from Thapathali to Tripureshwar, passing through Jawalakhel, Balkhu, Kalanki, Kalimati, Tripureshwar, you can reach 700 hills! '

Mentioning Shikshit Bhatt, chief executive director of Total, Pathao's rival company, Sharma tweeted, "We need good competition from Pathao!"

Replying to Sharma's post, Purna Bhandari wrote, "What is the option for passengers to change the route they want?" Is there a difference of Rs. 35 when you go from one location to another?

Why the route from Mait Devi to Bijuli Bazaar via Old Baneshwor and New Baneshwor? When the river reaches the average? There is a limit to looting, isn't there? ' 

"We are not going to decide the route ourselves, we are going to use Google Maps. In this case, the money is decided on the basis of the route shown by Google, 'said Asimman Singh Basnyat, regional director of Pathao Nepal. Google offers open route options when there is a traffic jam, and sometimes even shows one-way routes for shorter routes. 

He said that it was only an allegation that Pathao took a lot of fare by lengthening the route. He also said that the rumors may have been spread to tarnish the image of a new ride-sharing company.

‘Even before this, when new companies started coming to the market, various allegations were made against Pathao. But we are not charging more by changing the route in terms of fares, ”he said.

He said that the company has increased the fare by Rs 1 per kilometer to adjust the price of petrol after the lockdown and has not changed the fare since then.

Founder of Notehubs Nepal, Software Developer, Content Creator, Graphic Designer

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