Hacker warns that all devices with Nvidia graphics will become bitcoin miners

1 min read


South American hacking group Lapsus Alert has warned of a leak of software and firmware data for Nvidia LHR (Light Hash Rate) GPUs. If the hacking group’s demands are not met, the company’s proprietary data will initially be leaked to the Telegram channel and if the data is confirmed to be official, the same data will be used for mining other cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin. will be done for

It is not yet known what he will do after leaving office. However, the group has threatened to sell the data to the company. Which could allow to bypass Nvidia’s LHR for cryptocurrency mining.

If the TB data stolen from Nvidia allows the LHR to be bypassed, the cryptocurrency could be mined at the full potential of RTX 3060 and RTX 3090. stewardshipis mentioned in

Hackers warn that all devices with Nvidia graphics can become bitcoin miners.

Founder of Notehubs Nepal, Software Developer, Content Creator, Graphic Designer

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