Fake recharge cards in the market, Nepal Telecom urges to be vigilant

Nepal Telecom has urged to remain vigilant as fake recharge cards are being sold in the market.
1 min read


Nepal Telecom has urged to remain vigilant as fake recharge cards are being sold in the market.

The company has urged to remain vigilant as information has been received that unauthorized recharge cards are being sold to recharge the services of Nepal Telecom under various names.

Telecom is providing recharge cards under Namaste Recharge Card brand to recharge and pay bills of its various services like landline, mobile, NT fiber etc.

In addition to the Namaste recharge card printed on paper, the telco is also providing recharge service through e-PIN and Empos.

In a statement, the telco has requested to use only its official recharge card.

Founder of Notehubs Nepal, Software Developer, Content Creator, Graphic Designer

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